Monday, May 11, 2020

SAPV-2 to wipe out African population

DNA specific virus that targets Africans, specifically north Africans and southern Africans. Implement. COVID-19-3. Sterilization of African people virus SAPV-2. Implement! Both male and female sterilization. Implement! #depopulation

Sunday, May 10, 2020

SAPV-1 to wipe out asian population

DNA specific virus that targets asians, specifically north koreans and southern koreans. COVID-19-2. Sterilization of Asian people virus SAPV-1. Both male and female sterilization. Implement!

Targets asians. So it includes the Chinese, the Japanese, so on.

New viruses

AI will construct an airborne super-virus with a 100% kill rate. Just spread carfentanil mixed with fentanyl and other deadly viruses mixed ...