Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Monday, February 17, 2020

DSSV-20/21 - DNA specific sterilization virus

How long before it (COVID-19) wipes out chinese population? 

Better idea would be to use sterilization virus so instead of killing people, population goes below hazardous levels in due time, without them knowing who caused their sterilization. Such a virus would cause mass sterilization only, not deaths or suffering. People will have sex, but no kids. Better than one child policy that china implements brutally.

Such a virus would be used on races that are too overpopulated. Asians. Africans. Indians. DNA specific sterilization virus. Call it DSSV-20/21.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Sterilization viruses

Instead of genociding them, this method (Covid-19) is better.

Here's more:

DNA specific viri, sniper viri, and to depopulate them even quicker: viruses with mechanisms that sterilize the victim.

Turn this bioweapon into biochemical by adding carfentanil to Covid-19.

The chinese did try to kill millions of american citizens via lethal carfentanil transfer which could have killed millions as was their intention.

Sterilization viruses may only sterilize the victim, or it may kill them also. That's doublekill.

It should be sterilization only based on specific DNAs. Easier way to depopulate specific populations such as indians, chinese, africans, all those who are breeding like viruses themselves and spreading upon the face of the planet, destroying this pristine earth it used to be.


it can be made a biochemical weapon instead of just bioweapon or chemical weapon or a biological virus like covid-19 is.

if u add carfentanil

reverse the chinese

because they did try to kill millions of americans via carfentanil transfers

COVID-19 modified to make it a biochemical weapon with biochemical carfentanil


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sniper viruses (silent deadly killers that kill millions without anyone noticing)

Sniper viruses that kill millions of people silently. Such viruses will kill victims and people around them wont notice their deaths. Look for diseases that cause quick deaths, combine it with diseases that cause less rumbling from the patient, so they die quick and noiselessly. Then add these two with diseases that travel fast to other victims close by. People will die quickly and effortlessly in hordes.

Another possibility would be to somehow add deadly drugs such as carfentanyl to a lethal or fast traveling disease. Make carfentanyl, fentanyl, such drugs biochemical weapons.

DNA specific viruses

that attack specific dna.

if u wanna attack indian or chinese population, the virus only hurts them, no other race, for example, because they are overpopulating the planet. don't forget the africans.


Corona Virus that is lab made just as HIV is.

co 19 eh

means they tried 18 variations before that

19th version worked best as a bioweapon to be used in china

its a mix of 4-5 'natural' viruses just as HIV was

then they added agents (enzymes plus other stuff) that attack specific ...

New viruses

AI will construct an airborne super-virus with a 100% kill rate. Just spread carfentanil mixed with fentanyl and other deadly viruses mixed ...