Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Rabies spongiform lyssavirus encephalopathy (RSLE-1 to ..)

homo sapiens spongiform encephalopathy

then merge it with rabies.

makes what?

RSLE virus.


  1. It combines rabies with mad cow disease thats modified to become mad human disease.

    Rabies plus mad human(cow) disease makes a double zombified virus. Zombies will be faster and more destructive.

    1. to make it contagious, add the usual suspects: flu, cough, fever, ... anything contagious.

  2. rabies plus flu/cough/fever virus makes a simple Z-20 virus, z category, akashic records.

    and if u add hiv in the mix

  3. agenda is depopulation. paining others means bad karma, better is to quick, fast, painless, palliative, billions, not millions. sterilization plus covid blanket term. agenda is to make planet pristine like it was pre human.


New viruses

AI will construct an airborne super-virus with a 100% kill rate. Just spread carfentanil mixed with fentanyl and other deadly viruses mixed ...