Saturday, February 15, 2020


it can be made a biochemical weapon instead of just bioweapon or chemical weapon or a biological virus like covid-19 is.

if u add carfentanil

reverse the chinese

because they did try to kill millions of americans via carfentanil transfers

COVID-19 modified to make it a biochemical weapon with biochemical carfentanil


1 comment:

  1. COVID is just the beginning of the testing and implementation phase of the depopulation agenda. There will come newer kind of diseases never heard ever in entire history of the planet. Those new DNA letters, yeah they're called letters, those letters will give humanity the godlike capability to create new types of creatures, viruses, …

    HIV started fast. It dwindled, not doing enough damage. Zika was a dud. COVID showed potential.

    Try this: HIV then cancer inducing agents HIV-activated-Cancer

    HIV-A-C-20 series


New viruses

AI will construct an airborne super-virus with a 100% kill rate. Just spread carfentanil mixed with fentanyl and other deadly viruses mixed ...